The Webapp Cat

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Deploy to Gandi Simple Hosting

At the end of the article, a step by step guide to continuous deployment on Gandi Simple Hosting.


As Silex is free and open source software, and used by many people for free, is kindly providing me with free hosting for - see their supported projects page. So I use Gandi Simple Hosting for a while now, I have 2 Node.js instances, for preprod and prod.

Compared to the previous hosting we had for Silex, which is Heroku, the performance have increased a lot, as stated in this tweet.

Gandi Simple Hosting allows me to deploy with sftp or git and connect with ssh but it has several quite annoying limitations though, I believe this is because Node.js hosting is quite new at

Here is an explanation of what I wanted to deploy my code, what problems I had and the solution I have found.

The situation

On Simple Hosting, it is possible to deploy with git out of the box, but it does not support submodules. And there is no way to trigger a build after a push, just checkout the files, so you would have to commit prebuild files in git, which is bad practice. SSH access can be used to trigger a build (run a script) after a push on github (with web hooks), but it needs to be activated by hand first in Gandi's web interface. And it resets every hour.

And finally when you find a way to upload your build files to the server, you have to restart your Node.js app, which is only possible from within the web interface.

The web interface of Gandi Simple Hosting

The web interface of Gandi Simple Hosting

The journey

So my goal for tonight was to be able to

  • deploy with almost no interruption of service
  • easily deploy with git push
  • run test and do not deploy if it fails

I have tried many tools and techniques to solve

  • build and test (and possibly abort)
  • transfer the production files to Gandi
  • reload Node.js app or reboot if needed (which takes around one minute)

Here are a few links

  • rsync and sftp man pages
  • codeship article Deploy via FTP, SFTP, SCP, RSYNC and SSH
  • forever.js and PM2 which aim at managing sub processes. They both can be used programmatically in Node.js, not only with the command line, which is a requirement since Simple Hosting ssh access needs to be activated via the web interface by hand every hour... Also note that I could not make PM2 run on Gandi Simple Hosting because of access rights issues, and forever did not let me communicate with my child process easily.
  • a bug of the sftp put command which makes it impossible to use `sftp put -r` on Simple Hosting

So I have finally come to a solution, combining

  • build and test (and possibly abort): use codeship
  • transfer the production files to Gandi: upload with sftp (custom shell script in codeship)
  • reload Node.js app: a child process to run Silex, kill and reload it at will + a web hook triggerd by codeship calls Silex Node.js API which plays with processes in order to reload

Please note that I have tested the same process with Circle CI and it works. But Travis CI do NOT work with Simple Hosting because of the ssh key which I could not get working properly (maybe if I had a paid account it would though)

Deploy to Gandi Simple Hosting
Step by step solution
Build and test (and possibly abort)

I linked codeship to Silex github repository so that github triggers a build for each push. This is really easy, simply create an account on codeship and follow the instructions (click, click, click)

Transfer the production files to Gandi

Then I have created a "Deployment pipeline" as they say in codeship, selecting the "custom script" option. In the script section I have written this to zip and then transfer the files to Gandi when a build succeeds on codeship's servers:


zip -r dist/ node_modules/
echo "put ${HOME}/" | sftp



Deploy to Gandi Simple Hosting

Her you will want to replace `1234567` and `` by the ID and host you find in Gandi's web interface, hovering the "?" at the right of "SFTP". Also in Gandi web interface, click on "SSH key - add" and add the ssh key which is provided by codeship in the "General" section of the settings.

Deploy to Gandi Simple Hosting
Reload Node.js app

A web hook in Silex Node.js API to trigger reload

In the same "Deployment pipeline" section on codeship, I have added this line to call the web hook which I have created in Silex as explain bellow


This web hook is a route in Silex Node.js API used to notify the parent process that it should kill and reload the Silex child process now. This is where it is defined in Silex code. The important parts:

  • process.env.RESTART_ROUTE is a way to store the route in an env var, to avoid having this "secret" route in the repository
  • process.send('restart'); is how we send a message to the parent process in order to reload Silex - see bellow
Deploy to Gandi Simple Hosting

A child process to run Silex, kill and reload it at will

Almost there: here is how I handle the process which runs Silex in Node.js.

When Gandi Simple Hosting boots, it launches a `node server.js`. So this is what I have now in my `server.js` file:

// require the Node.js process management module
var childProcess = require("child_process");

// define the env var to use in Silex Node.js code

process.env.RESTART_ROUTE = 'restart-lexo1000';

// path to Silex server side script
var silexServerScript = __dirname + '/dist/server/server.js';

// start the process



 * recursive function wich loads, kill and then reload Silex process


function start() {

  // create the process
  var child = childProcess.fork(silexServerScript, [], {
      env: process.ENV,
      silent: false

  // wait for Silex message to kill and then start again the process

  child.on('message', function(message){
    console.log('message', message);
    if(message === 'restart') {
      childProcess.exec(__dirname + '/', function (error, stdout, stderr) {
        console.log('exec done', error);
        console.log('kill process');
        console.log('restart process');

  child.on('message', function(message){
     if(message === 'restart') {
  return child;

This script is run after each successful build, because I have this `wget` call in codeship. And this script itself calls `` which is a script at the root of my Simple Hosting which unzips and replace the previous Silex folder. Then it removes the old Silex folder in the background:


mkdir -p Silex
unzip -o -d clone && mv Silex old && mv clone Silex && rm
rm -r old &
The full build process in codeship

The full build process in codeship

Drawbacks and limitations

This is a bit raw, I will probably fine tune it, but clearly it has these problems

  • it requires specific code in my app, and a hidden route to trigger the reload
  • it takes quite a long time to build, zip, upload, unzip and reload all the files needed from codeship to gandi (around 3 min) - the down time is very short though, only a few seconds
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Someone Sometimes with visits your blog regularly and recommended it in my experience to read as well. The way of writing is excellent and also the content is top-notch. Thanks for that insight you provide the readers!
This is an interesting way of installing Silex on hosting. However, I found this tutorial ( ) easier to follow. This is because you can directly start with installing Silex. You don't need to first install PHP and stack.
Hello Alex,<br /> <br /> Thanks for the article. Some practices I'd like to share after reading: <br /> <br /> > you would have to commit prebuild files in git, which is bad practice.<br /> <br /> To avoid committing built assets in working branches, I usually use the following work flow:<br /> <br /> - checkout a new branch named "release"<br /> - builds assets and co<br /> - commit built files<br /> - tag current head<br /> - delete release branch<br /> - push tag to deploy branch<br /> <br /> Using a continuous deployment service is of course a better solution, but sometimes, you just want to keep it very simple.<br /> <br /> > it requires specific code in my app, and a hidden route to trigger the reload<br /> <br /> I did not give it a try recently, but from the documentation a git deploy triggers npm install (and all the npm post install hooks).<br /> <br /> The dependency install is done with the --production flag though, so you still have to build assets before deploying (that is a good practice to ensure deployment is idempotent).<br /> <br /> Keep up the good work !
Nice @themouette thx! <br /> <br /> >> it requires specific code in my app, and a hidden route to trigger the reload <br /> > I did not give it a try recently, but from the documentation a git deploy triggers npm install (and all the npm post install hooks). <br /> <br /> I tried it a while ago and I remember that when there is a problem with the build it still deployed the files, but I am not sure to be right about this...